Congratulations to our Brother Pilgrim GENE DUNCAN for achieving the title of PAST PRESIDENT of the California/Nevada Moose Association. This prestigious honor was presented to Gene at the Garden Grove Moose Lodge #620 on October 17th 2010. Our lodge, Orange Empire District #19, and Orange Coast Legion #203 are proud of you. Thank you for all you have done for our fraternity.
The Past President Resolution reads as follows:
Whereas: Elbert Gene Duncan has been an active and productive fraternalist since his initial enrollment into the Loyal Order of Moose in 1974 at the Santa Ana Moose Lodge and ……
Whereas: Brother Gene served on many committees and in many offices including Governor of the Santa Ana Moose Lodge #1025, California/Nevada Moose Association Orange Empire District President, and North Moose of the Orange Coast Legion #203 and ……
Whereas: During these past continuous decades, and in so many capacities, Brother Gene has served the California/Nevada Moose Association; most notably for his many years in support of the Youth Awareness Program not only for this association, but for Moose International as well, and ……
Whereas: Recognized for his personal demeanor and leadership qualities, Brother Gene was commissioned to perform in positions for Moose International to include Deputy Director of Conservation, Deputy Grand North Moose, International Moose Legion Ambassador, Deputy Supreme Governor, and ……
Whereas: Beyond the Moose Legion Degree of Service, Brother Gene was awarded the Fellowship Degree of Honor, and then in the month of May during the Moose Centennial Year of 1988, at the “Child City” Mooseheart in Illinois, in the House of God, for his many years of dedicated and voluntary service to the Order and our communities, Brother Gene received our fraternity’s greatest gift and reward; the Pilgrim Degree of Merit, and ……
Therefore be it resolved; By the consideration and direction of the Past Presidents of this association and those delegates here assembled at this 77th Annual Convention, we recognize and unanimously declare that from this day forward, Gene Duncan is a Past President of the California/Nevada Moose Association.